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Journal Pages 21-30
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The Military Journal of George Ewing:  
A Soldier of Valley Forge -- Pages 21-30

Page Twenty One

22d We marchd to Elizt Town where

we sold our plunder at Public vandu

and then marchd to join the Grand

Army in Pensylvania the English

Troops having landed at the Head

of Elk and coming up to possess

themselves of Philadelphia we joind

the Grand army at Brandywine

Mills herre we lay a few days & then

marchd to Newport where we

threw up Breast works and lay

three or four days but the Enemy

Moveing to our right made us change

our ground and move to Chads ford

on Brandywine

Sept 11th This morning a quarter

before Eight Genl Maxwell's Light

troops who were stationd on the other

side of the River were attackd by

the enemy and repulsd them twice

but were at lengtht drove from their

post and obligd to retire to the

Main body


Page Twenty Two

A Brisk Cannonade then ensued which

lasted for some time with out

intermission and with out loss on

our side the enemy finding it

impossible to cross at Chadds ford

then went higher up to Joneses

ford where they crossd then we

marchd up to oppose them but

were too late to prevent their

crossing however a smart Battle

ensued but being overpowerd

we were obligd to retire and

leave them masters of the field

our loss was eight pieces of Cannon

and about five hundred men

we then retird to Chester and

12th Marchd to Robbinhood where

we lay a day or two to refresh

our weary men and then recrossd

the Schuylkiln and marchd to the

Warren on Lancaster road.


Page Twenty Three

Were I to describe the hardships and

the difficulties we underwent

from this time untill the 4 of

October no person but those who were

with us would credit my relation

therefore I chuse to pass it over in

silence rather than those who should

se this work should think me guilty

of an Hyperbole--

October 3d the whole army receivd

orders to hold themselves in ready=

=ness to march this evening without

their packs about eleven at they

marchd off and about daybreak the

next morning attackd the enemy

at Germantown and drove them

for some considerable distance but

the morning being foggy and the

smoak of the battle rendering the

air very dark we could not distinguish

our friends from our the Genl

thought proper to retire which

we did to Paulins Mills on Perkiomg


Page Twenty Four

Here we lay a day or two and then

marchd to White Marsh hills

where we lay near a month

and then the enemy came

out threatning to drive us from

there where they lay for three

days in view of us but finding

that we paid no regard to their

threats they ene marchd back

again a day or two after this we

marchd from the hills in order

to cross the Schuylkiln at a bridge

we had built for this purpose

but in this we were disappointed

for just as we began to cross we

were met by the enemy which made

our troops to recross and cut

down the bridge we then marchd

a few miles and lay in the woods

that night and the next day and

at night crossd the Bridge and

marchd to the Gulf Mills where

we lay for some days


Page Twenty Five

From here we marchd to the Valley

Forge in order to take up Winter

Quarters here we built huts in the

following manner the huts are

built in three lines each line

four deep five yards asunder the

huts eighteen by sixteen feet long

six feet to the eves built of loggs

and covered with staves the chimney

in the east end the door in the

South side the Officers huts in the

rear of the mens twelve men in

each hut and two corres of Officers

in a hut.


Page Twenty Six



About the tenth of this month

We got into our huts and I was

Visited by my Uncle James Ewing

who staid with me for three days

29th This day I was on fatigue building

a brest work to defend the Middle line

of the Camp had the Pleasure to meet

with Mr. David Sayre who spent the

Evening with me by whom I wrote

to my Uncle Joshua Ewing

30th This day visited and Dined with

Lieuts Bowen & Elmer of the Train

in the Evening had company who

staid very latte and spent the even

at Cards --

31st Rains very fast the whole day

This morning we drrew a Gallon

of spirits to each Mess of Officers

in the Brigade


Page Twenty Seven

Feby 4th

Obtained a furloug of

B G Maxwell and prepared to

set out in the morning for


5th This Morning set out on

horseback in company with Mr.

John Downey this Night logd

at Dunks fery on Delaware

as we pass through Smithfield

we heard that last Night a

party of the Enemy came out

to this place and took of Coll

Coats of the Militia this is 14

miles from Philad


Page Twenty Eight


Crosd Delaware and proceeded

to Haddonfield where I saw

many of my old acquantance

among the Melita here I spent

about two Hours and then

rode to Mr. Lees in Sandtown

where I spent the night

this afternoon and night it

raind very fast

7th Rode to the Blue Ball

where I breakfasted and met

with Major Maskell and Mr

Tomlinson and had the pleasure to

ride in Company with them to Roadstown

I found my friends all in good health

8th Lordsday went to Meeting and from

thence to my Uncle Joshua Ewings Snowd

very fast


Page Twenty Nine

9th This day the snow was so deep

that did not stir out In the evening

had inteligence of an armd Schooner

supposd to belong to the enemy that

was drove ashore on Dunks Beach

10th This Morning went down

with a considerable number

of the Melitia to attack the

Schooner if she provd an Enemy but

she had got off and gone but provd

to be in the service of the States

this afternoon went to Roadstown

11th Raind very hard so that I

did not stir out


Page Thirty

20th Nothing worth mentioning

hapend untill this day except that

I spent my time very agreeably

among the Ladies

This day I inlisted Benjamin

Shurmer to serve During the

present War

24th If I mistake not a part of the

Enemy landed at Balensport

and Marchd to Salem the Melita

was cald to oppose them and I

set out with them this day I

met with Mr. Duclos and had

a great deal of pleasure in

his company we rode to Hancocks

Bridge and then to Greenwich

Continue to Page 31 of Military Journal


Copyright © 1998-2006 Marilyn Price-Mitchell.  Permission to copy all or part of this page granted for non-commercial use only.  Send mail to ewingfamily(at)sandcastles.net.  Instead of (at), use the @ symbol normally found in an email address. Last modified: September 16, 2006